This page tells the story of the organizational date and names of early settlers.

Delaware Township

Delaware Township was organized on October 6, 1879 and named by pioneer settlers. Early settlers were Thomas C. Hodgson, Jacob Erlandson, Nels Helsene, Hans Channel, A. Selander, James Moses, A. Erlandson, O. Lundberg, John E. Hanson, H. C. Prescott, John Helsene, J. N. Casper, Louis Nehn, John Lundberg, A. J. Cates and J. P. Shoberg.
C = Cemeteries. Some cemeteries were established next to a church; some were several miles apart from each other. They are noted by early names.
S = School, noted by District Number.
Section 5:
School District # 51
Section 11:
School District # 26
Section 18:
School District # 65
Section 26:
School District # 56
Section 30:
School District #19
Delaware Township early cemeteries and schools.