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Title ![](images/ens/sort_up.gif) |
Immanuel Norwegian Lutheran Church 150th Anniversary, Barrett, Minnesota. |
Immigration to Minnesota |
Indian Children of America |
Indians in Minnesota, Third edition. |
Indians of the Americas |
Indians of the Plains |
Indians of the Plains, Indians of the Northwest Coast |
Indians of the Upper Midwest |
Inventory of the County Archives of Minnesota, Grant County. |
Inventory of the County Archives of Minnesota. Douglas County |
Isabelle Amelia Swift Symonds, Diaries of 1880-1892 |
Ivar Sandberg Kruger [Pastor Ivar Sandberg] |
Jacob and Annie Olson Family |
Kensington's First 100 Years |
Known Migrations of Historic Indian Tribes |
Knut Mevastaul, 1785-1862 Telemark Rosemaler |
Kovels' Bottles Price List, 12th Edition |
Leraas Family History of Johannes Leraas and Maria Knutsdatter Lillejord |
Letters from the Home Front |
Lincoln Church: Celebrating 150 years, 1873-2023 |
Local History. How to Gather It, Write It, and Publish It |
Log Structures |
Lund Family 20 Generations |
Lysnes of Laerdal |
Manual of Housekeeping |
March on the Dakota's. Sibley Expedition of 1863, |
McCollor/McCollough Family History and Genealogy |
Memoirs of an Old Lady or the Education of a Country Girl |
Memories of Barrett |
Memories of the People of the three Churches of Erdahl |
Men of Minnesota. |
Minner Fra Furnes. Furnes historielag 1998 |
Minnesota FFA From the Beginning. Pictorial Chronology. |
Minnesota in a Century of Change. The State and Its People Since 1900 |
Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars 1861-1865, Volume II, Second Edition |
Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars 1861-1865. |
Minnesota's Heritage. Painting the Dakota Conflict |
Minnesota's Lost Towns, Northern Edition |
Minnesota's Lost Towns. Northern Edition II |
Minnesota, A History of the State. Second edition. |
Morris Area Centennial Historical Album 1871-1971 |
My Best Advice Is: Don't Go Home |
My Brave Little Man, a memoir |
My Love is Always Yours |
My name is Darin and I would like to show you my town. Rothsay, Minnesota |
Mystery of the RuneStone. |
Nearby History: Exploring the Past Around You |
Nels Jacobson Family. |
Nordmaendene i Amerika, deres Histories og Rekord |
Norwegian Folk Art. The Migration of a Tradition. |